contura - double series
Bespoke carved natural stone sink. Elegant and intelligent design that incorporates the sink into the counter as one monolithic natural stone surface.

contura - double simple
Material: Marble / Size: 72”W x 21 1/2”D / Thickness: Lowest point at 1” to highest point at 5” Base: Marble veneer clad millwork / Size: 72”W x 21 1/2”D x 15”H
contura -simple double offers two natural stone rectangular sinks with the counter surface in a seamless smooth geometry.

contura - double oval
Material: Marble / Size: 72”W x 21 1/2”D / Thickness: Lowest point at 1” to highest point at 5” Base: Marble veneer clad millwork / Size: 72”W x 21 1/2”D x 15”H
contura -oval double offers an oval shape sinks sinks with the counter surface in a seamless smooth geometry.

contura - double twist
Material: Marble / Size: 72”W x 21 1/2”D / Thickness: Lowest point at 1” to highest point at 5” Base: Marble veneer clad millwork / Size: 72”W x 21 1/2”D x 15”H
contura -twist double offers a parallelogram shape sinks with the counter surface in a seamless smooth geometry.

*Patent Pending